Privacy Policy
The privacy policy applies to personal information about the children in our care, their parents/legal guardians, their siblings, and other individuals who are involved in their care and upbringing (collectively, “the children in our care and their families”). Little World International Play School and Day Care’s Child Care programs respect privacy and we have a longstanding commitment to protecting personal information of the children in our care and their families.
For the purposes of this policy, “personal information” is defined as any identifiable information about the children in our care and their families, such as contact details, health information, living arrangements, background information, the child’s personal characteristics and behaviour styles.
Personal information is only collected, used and disclosed by Little World International Play School and Daycare in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
When enrolling your child/children in our child care program, as the parent or legal guardian, you are asked to provide certain pieces of information in order for us to provide you and your child / children with the best possible care. In addition to your contact details and the names and contact information of your family members, your child’s file may include the following information about your child:
- Living arrangements.
- Health information and special needs.
- Personal characteristics, skills and behavioural information.
- Incidents about the child as recorded by our staff.
Personal information is only collected for the following purposes:
- To identify the children in our care and their families;
- To monitor the health and wellbeing of the children in our care;
- To monitor developmental levels, skill acquisition and special needs of the children in our care;
- To establish a culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate program for the children in our care;
- To understand the desires, concerns and opinions of the children in our care and their families;
- To establish and maintain good relationships with the children in our care and their families;
- To provide responsible child care services expected of a licensed child care program to the children in our care and their families; and
- To manage and enhance our business and operations; and to meet legal and regulatory requirements (if any).
Little World International Play School and Daycare never collects more personal information than is needed to fulfill these purposes, unless you have consented to such collection.
We will make sure that any required disclosures of personal information are made on a “need to know” basis, and where applicable, on a confidential basis. Personal information is never traded, sold or leased by us to any external companies. We may disclose personal information to:
- Little World International Play School and Daycare’s Board of Directors;
- Therapists and volunteers, on placement with Little World International Play School and Daycare
When sharing personal information, we release limited information as required for the function that will be performed by the representative on our behalf. We also ensure that every representative is clear on their obligation to protecting personal information and using the same for the purpose(s) for which it is being provided.
Examples of the representatives that Little World International Play School and Daycare may share your limited personal information will include professionals who may assist us in caring for the physical, emotional, social and / or intellectual wellbeing and / or safety of the children in our care
Having read this policy and by enrolling your child in our child care program and by providing us with the personal information requested, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as specified herein.
If Little World International Play School and Daycare will be using or disclosing personal information for purposes that have not been stated in this policy and that we do not feel are obvious to you, we will first obtain your consent. We may imply your consent if we feel we are using your personal information for purposes that are obvious to you. For example, if you tell us that your child has a food allergy, we may not seek your consent before providing this information to our kitchen staff. With written notice you may withdraw consent at any time subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. You may contact us for more information regarding the implications of withdrawing consent.
In certain circumstances, personal information can be collected, used or disclosed without the knowledge and consent of the individual (or his/her parents/legal guardian). For example: If it is clearly in the interests of the individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way, such as when the individual is seriously ill or mentally incapacitated; if seeking the consent might defeat the purpose for collecting the information, such as in the context of an investigation of a breach of an agreement or if there is an emergency where the life, health or security of an individual is threatened.
We retain personal information only as long as it remains necessary or relevant for the identified purposes, and in accordance with legal requirements.
Therefore, we will retain your child’s file as long as your child is enrolled in our child care program and for a fixed period of time thereafter.
Depending upon the circumstances, where personal information has been used to make a decision about an individual, we will retain the information for a period of time that is reasonably sufficient to allow for access by that individual (or his/her parent/legal guardian).
Little World International Play School and Daycare retains and securely destroys personal information in accordance with our internal record retention procedure. Our retention procedure takes into account retention requirements for financial and insurance records and the statutes of limitation relevant to injuries that occur while children are in our care.
We have procedures and policies in place to ensure that personal information, in both paper and electronic formats, are protected against the risk of loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure,copying, modification or destruction. For example, we have the following safeguards in place:
- All visitors are required to report to the office and will be escorted while on the premises.
- Filing cabinets containing personal information are only accessible to the directors, centre heads, administration staff and the onsite supervisors of our child care programs. When filing cabinets are not in use and after hours they are locked.
- Access to electronic files is limited on a need to know basis depending on the job function.
- Paper records containing personal information that are no longer needed are securely shredded.
- Password selection criteria and password expiry make unauthorized access to our systems extremely difficult. Little World International Play School and Daycare’s secure databases are well protected on servers equipped with enterprise firewalls that are immediately updated when new patches and fixes are released.
Staff training on the importance of privacy and security is undertaken regularly.
Little World International Play School and Daycare relies on the information provided by you when enrolling your child in our child care program. You may at any point of time make a written request for access to your or your child’s personal information. Personal information will be provided in an understandable form within a reasonable time and at minimum or no cost to the individual.
However, in certain situations we may not be able to provide access to all of the personal information we hold about an individual (or his/her child). For example, we cannot provide access to personal information about another individual if they have not consented, or to information that could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another individual. Also, we cannot provide access to information that was generated in the course of a formal dispute resolution process. If we are unable to provide you with all the information contained in your child’s file, we will let you know.
Little World International Play School and Daycare strives to maintain accurate records of your personal information, however, this cannot be achieved without your help. In this ongoing effort, we ask you to provide us with up to- date information. Let us know of any personal information you have given to us in the past that is incomplete, inaccurate, or no longer relevant, or of any new issues or information that will help us in caring for your child. If you feel a record in your child’s file is inaccurate or incomplete, and we agree with your assessment, we will promptly correct or complete the information. Any unresolved differences as to accuracy or completeness will be noted in the file.
Little World International Play School and Daycare takes full responsibility for the management, confidentiality and protection of the personal information we collect, use and disclose. If you have any concerns about this policy, or feel that Little World International Play School and Daycare is not abiding by it, please send an email to
No.1 Preschool in HSR Layout
Little World Play Group program is for the Age Group of 2 years to 3 years. Our curriculum helps children achieve school readiness in all areas of academic and social learning. Our preschool program is filled with investigation, exploration, and discovery, where active and enthusiastic children can refine and expand their skills and knowledge.Through intentional teaching practices, purposefully-designed learning environments, and enriched activities, teachers ensure preschoolers have joyful, appropriate, and meaningful learning experiences that lead to success in school and in life. Little World is emerging as No.1 Preschool in HSR Layout
Little World Nursery program is for the Age Group of 3 years to 4 years. Our Nuresry program helps children advance skills in core pre-academic areas such as literacy, math, and science, as well as in other essential areas such as art, social and emotional well-being, and health and wellness. Our child-centered approach ensures that children are exposed to a diverse array of learning activities and that they thrive in all areas of child development, creative thinking, complex problem solving, empathetic collaboration, curious investigation, and astute decision making. Little World Nursery program advances children’s skills in core academic areas to ensure school readiness. Little World is emerging as No.1 Preschool in HSR Layout
Little World Play School Nursery program is for the Age Group of 4 years to 5 years. Our Junior kindergarten program recognizes that children will soon be entering schools that have a range of expectations for a child’s social and academic performance. Our comprehensive curriculum places a clear emphasis on continuing development of strong language, reading and writing abilities, and math skills essential for ongoing success in school and life. Little World is emerging as No.1 Preschool in HSR Layout
Little World Play School Senior Kindergarten program is for the Age Group of 5 years to 6 years. Our kindergarten curriculum extends the planned child-choice, student-centered learning environment and incorporates the academic expectations of local and state curriculum standards so children make a successful and seamless transition to school. Our programs offer enriching learning opportunities in a fun environment for maturing school-age children. At this stage, the curriculum is augmented with additional activities and learning tools with enhanced focus on complex concepts like independent reasoning and problem solving. Little World is emerging as No.1 Preschool in HSR Layout
Little World is also offer day care in hsr layout. The day care program encourages all aspects of your child’s development. We provide activities and experiences that promote independence, self-help skills, confidence and individuality. We also promote kindergarten readiness and various learning concepts as the children show interest. Our rooms are well equipped and arranged in various learning centres. The children are free to move from area to area, choosing the activities in which they wish to participate. Our facility has a large, fenced, indoor playground for various age groups.
Join us this summer for fun, friendships, and exploration. Day care and summer camp programs at Little World play school offer indoor and outdoor activities, plus opportunities for fun, friendships, and exploration. Our programs group children by age and encourage their growing ability to make choices, work with others, and assume responsibilities. Our day care teachers work collaboratively to develop a fun curriculum that takes advantage of all that the program offers. They use playgrounds, the surrounding communities, helping children to discover science, explore nature, and engage in the creative arts, while learning about the vast opportunities in the world around them. Little World is emerging as No.1 Play School in hsr layout.
Our infant world play zone is ideal for our younger guests. With the high lockable gate, padded walls and soft play items, your baby can enjoy hours of fun and […]
Our Toddler World play zone is ideal for our younger guests between 1 year to 3 years. This area is gated and fenced and close to our Baby & Toddler […]
Our Junior World play zone is ideal for little juniors between 3 year to 12 years. All levels are accessible for children and which provides easy access for parents and […]
Little World Preschool Program Review
Prschool & Montessori Programs
Little World International Offers both Montessori & Kindergarten based curriculum programs for your Little One's. Little World emerging as the No.1 Montessori in HSR Layout offers International curriculum helps children achieve school readiness in all areas of academic and social learning.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: Little World International Montessori School & Day Care
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